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Why It’s So Important to Develop a Growth Mindset in Children

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A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed over time, and it is essential for children’s development. Read till the end for tips on how to nurture a growth mindset in your child!

Why must children to adopt a growth mindset?

Children who understand that their intelligence and abilities can grow over time are more likely to view challenges as an opportunity for growth, rather than a threat. This means that children with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of setbacks.

This growth mindset also leads children to reframe their way of thinking when taking on a challenge. Instead of complaining, “I can’t do this”, they might think, “I can’t do this yet”.  This enables children to stay interested and motivated in their learning for longer. 

How can you help your child develop a growth mindset?

There are many ways to nurture a growth mindset at home. Here are some simple practices to start with:

Encourage your child to take on difficult challenges.

When a task is too easy, children are not compelled to learn and grow. Challenge them with new and varied tasks that will push them beyond their comfort zone.

Help them learn from their mistakes.

Let your child make mistakes! A growth mindset is all about learning and growth. When your child makes a mistake, take them time to help them understand what they can learn from the experience and figure out how to do better next time.

Remember to manage their emotions and expectations. After all, failure can be a hard pill to swallow — even for adults like you and me!

Praise their efforts.

Don’t focus on commenting on their intelligence, talents, and accomplishments. Children need to know that you are proud of them no matter what the outcome is.

You could say, “I admire the hard work you put into that test” encourages growth mindset, instead of “You must be really smart to do that well”. Praise their efforts, and they will be encouraged to try harder next time.

Make sure they know that abilities can be developed.

One of the most important things you can do to encourage a growth mindset in your child is to make sure they understand that abilities can be developed over time. Help them realise that even if they aren’t great at something right from the start, they can still improve with practice.

Developing a growth mindset is essential for children’s attitude to learning and success in life. With the right tools and encouragement, you can nurture the growth mindset in your children, so that they can achieve anything they set their mind to!

Do you know other ways can parents help develop the growth mindset in children? Share it with us.