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The Journey of Inventing

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Inventions pop up every so often. But just what goes on behind the scenes of creating an invention? Sit tight! We’ll bring you on a trip through all the different stages of the invention process!

Step #1: Identify a problem

Inventors are concerned about problems that people face around them at home and all over the world. They wear a critical lens and actively search for ways to improve the way we live.

This is where the invention process starts! Inventors find a problem that they care about and want to solve.

Step #2: Understand the Problem

Once a problem has been identified, inventors dig deeper. They find out more about the problem — who is affected, how they are affected, and when the problem affects them. They speak to people who face the problem to form a better understanding of the problem.

The research process also involves consulting other sources to find out if there are solutions out there. If solutions already exist, inventors see if there are ways to improve upon it and innovate. If solutions don’t exist, inventors move on to the next step!

Step #3: Ideate

At this stage, inventors get creative and brainstorm possible solutions to the problem they’ve identified. Solutions come in all shapes and sizes and could come in the form of processes or products.

Step #4: Design a solution

This is when inventors put their ideas down on paper and start conceptualising a plan. During this stage, inventors think about what materials and resources are available to them. They create a design blueprint that will help in their build process, which comes right after this step!

Step #5: Build a prototype

This step sees inventors constructing a prototype. A prototype is a sample version of what inventors envision their inventions to be. It exhibits essential features of the actual invention.

Prototypes are helpful for inventors to view their ideas in a tangible form before sinking too much time and money into the final product!

Step #6: Conduct testing

When a prototype is ready, inventors start the testing process. They find out what works and what about their invention can be improved!

Sometimes, inventors have to go back a couple of steps to redesign or reconfigure their inventions. At times, inventors might find that their inventions don’t solve the problem at all and have to start again from scratch. Facing such failures can be demoralising, but it’s important to remember that every failure is an opportunity to learn!

Inventors typically repeat the design-build-test steps several times, going through multiple iterations of their invention before deciding that their invention is ready. Even then, inventors are always seeking ways to make their inventions even better.

Step #7: Communicate

One major element of the inventing process is communicating. At every step of the way, inventors document their thoughts, ideas, successes, and failures. Eventually, they will also pitch their ideas to get potential investors on board.

And there we have it! This is a typical journey that inventors take when they invent. Thinking of starting your child out on this enriching journey? Sign up for our invention programme, Road to SG Nationals!