Announcing 2021 Singapore Open Nationals

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The 3rd annual Invention Convention Singapore Open Nationals will be held as a virtual competition with more than 150 finalists from across the country showcasing their inventions that solve problems facing our world. Student Registration opens August 1, 2021 and closes October 1, 2021.

IDE Academy prepares students to participate in Singapore Nationals via ONLINE synchronous classes to enable independent inventors to develop their inventions. All students will have the opportunity to pitch to “visiting” industry judges and seek advice from them. We plan to invite the industry judges when students are in the design-build-test phase after they have thoroughly researched and ideated their solutions.

Each weekly online class is conducted for 2 hours for 10 weeks with at least 3 classes held at

231 Mountbatten Road, #03-03 Block B Mountbatten Centre, Singapore 397999 closer to date of competition.

Mondays : 3pm to 5pm (ages 12 to 16 years of age)

commencing 21/6/2021

Saturday: 9.30 am to 11.30am (ages 7 to 11 years of age)

commencing 19/6/2021

Contact us to find out more.


Inventors from kindergarten to post-secondary who have entered school competitions and/or IDE Academy’s Independent Inventor Programs and won an invitation to our event are eligible to take part in this competition. This competition is open to both individual and team competitors.


All projects must have:

  • An unedited and continuous video of the pitch.
  • A prototype (which may be non-working)
  • An inventor’s log (logbook or journal)
  • A poster board/trifold

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